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Decorative Home Accent Boxes, Accoutrements & Reliquaries

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Decorative Home Accent Boxes, Accoutrements
& Reliquaries in Carved Stone, Resin, & Metalwork

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  • Displaying products 1 - 2 of 2 results
    Old World Silver-Leafed Renaissance Reliquary Box & Incense Burner
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    Old World Silver-Leafed Renaissance Reliquary Box & Incense Burner
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    Antiqued Silver-leaf details & Old-World faux crackle finishes on base, bowl & lid * Modeled after a Roman fountain * Fish is an early Italian Renaissance rendition of tales told by sea voyagers * Reliquary for sacred items * Incense Stick or Cone Burner
    Brass-Inlaid Lotus Carved Box - Polished Shesham
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    Brass-Inlaid Lotus Carved Box - Polished Shesham
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    Brass-Inlaid Lotus Carved Tarot Box - Polished Shesham * 4 x 6" * non-endangered - plantation grown * rare wood - difficult to procure * Made in India * Walnut Stain * Highly polished
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